Titan Gel Gold is a penis enlargement product that helps enlarge the penis safely and naturally.
It is designed to increase the length and width of a penis, and because it is all natural, it is safe for men of all age.
Titan gel gold is newer and three times more effective than red. Manufacturer guarantees 3x faster result after using Gold version.
How does Titan gel work and how to use it:
The product is made to be used once a day, every day, especially right before sexual activity if sexual activity is to occur that day.
This gel can also be applied in a process called ‘jelqing.’ Jelqing is a technique for penis enlargement that dates back to the Middle East. With this method, the man squeezes and strokes his penis in an effort to force blood flow to the tip, hypothetically increasing both the length and width of the penis.
Once the gel Titan is absorbed, it begins to dilate the cavernous bodies and veins in the genital area. As these things dilate, it increases the size of the genitals.
100% natural product. Completely safe for health.
Result in 5 minutes and for a long time!
No stains, easy to remove with water, no debris.
Without fragrance or paraben.
50 ml